Penner AS2 ProFMX: Complete!!!

Well, that’s it!
I’ve made my way through Robert Penner’s Programming Flash MX to the end and survived.
Every class from the book has now been converted from AS1 to AS2 and every example from the book has been shown working with these new classes.
It has taken me exactly 73 days (in my spare time) to complete since announcing the project on June 27th earlier this summer. A lot of times I thought about shelving it, but I really wanted to see it through to completion and I’m glad I did.
I hope that everyone out there gets some use out of these classes and I’ll try and post some of my personal examples using them in a little while.
Thanks to Robert Penner for writing the book and giving me the green light on the project and thanks to everyone out there that has emailed or commented with your support. It was quite an undertaking but well worth it in the end.

Complete Penner AS2 ProFMX Classes and Documentation

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  • That was great work ! Congrats and thank you !

    In my turn, soon I finish the extension to the Graphic3d Class, Graphic3dTween. From the name
    it’s clear πŸ™‚ this is the tweener for the 3d objects in flash. Sample code looks like
    dummy3d.tween.yRotateTo (120, 1, “easeOutBounce”);

    This class was compiled from two others:
    your remake of Penner’s Particle3d and
    MC Tween by Zeh Fernando (

    If you want I can send you the code (when I finish it) for publishing here. Maybe you can improve it somehow.

    Now here’s the (lame ‘n’ ugly πŸ™‚ ) sample:

  • Simply went through and added a third z property to his force classes. Along with the documentation reflecting the changes. Forgot to mention in docs that this is for use in conjunction with the graphic3d and ParticlePhysics3d class.

    download zip @

    I’ll try to leave it up ALAP

  • many thanks for the fantastic source to accompany the already awesome book and for seeing it through.:)

  • I’m a Chinese reader and glad to see this fantastic work.
    I can use them in Flash8 now,thank you very much for us to provide the convenience πŸ™‚

    if your website can show Chinese words —
    ιžεΈΈζ„Ÿθ°’δ½ δΈΊζˆ‘δ»¬ζδΎ›ηš„δΎΏεˆ© πŸ™‚

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