Here's a class for you that defines the names and hexadecimal values of all the colors in SVG 1.0, including the X11 colors and the HTML4 colors, based on the VGA colors.
Category - Downloads
This update of my AS3 Scribd library completes the full API support including docs.upload() and user.signup().
If you like to show code samples online, you should definitely check out SyntaxHighlighter. And with this addition, it now supports AS3.
Updated my FlashPaper component to add color schemes for the FlashPaper interface.
I decided to update LuminicBox to AS3.
I have completed converting Robert Penner's Programming Flash MX from AS1 to AS2.
AS2 classes for ProFMX Chapter 14.
AS2 classes for ProFMX Chapter 13.
AS2 classes for ProFMX Chapter 12.
AS2 classes for ProFMX Chapter 11.